Here’s How You Can Use “Words That Sell” To Turn Your New Park’s Website Into a 24/7 Salesperson That Will Rent Your Empty Spaces For You…

Hi, my name is Jason Ayers and today we’re going to talk about a very important subject for new parks and resorts and that is how to use words that sell to fill your vacancies.

So let’s think about how people end up becoming tenants. Well, the first way is they might drive by and stop in. The next way is that they may call. And the third way is that they may visit your website.

So how can we maximize the number of people that become tenants? One of the ways that we can do that and what you’re going to find out by the time you finish watching this video is that you can use words that sell to fill your vacancies. You can do it during calls, you can do it when they stop in, and you can do it on your website.

And in particular, I’m going to talk about what you can do on your website, but these principles apply to calls and to in-person conversations because they all revolve around selling.

So let’s take a look at how the process happens on your website itself. So let’s say that you have a new park or resort and you have a website. You’re going to want to get people to go and visit that website and then you’re going to want some percentage of them to become tenants because that obviously is revenue.

So if we look at your website in this context, what’s the purpose of your website? The purpose is to sell, right? It’s to sell them on becoming a tenant.

Now this may be reinforced with phone calls or with in-person visits and tours of the park itself, depending on whether you have a mobile home or RV park or a park that has mobile homes and RVs.

But the idea is this thing needs to convert as many people as possible. And the advantage of having a website that you designed to sell, you designed to convert, is that it is essentially a 24 by 7 salesperson.

And how does a salesperson sell? Well, they sell using words. The trick is, the first thing they need to do is they need to understand who is the ideal customer.

And what we’re talking about here overall is a process called copywriting. Copywriting is just the art of selling in print.

It’s really part art, part science, part psychology, and it’s essentially taking a very good salesperson and what they would say to somebody and figuring out how to put that on your website in a way to where it achieves the same objective to where the person becomes a tenant that is going to give you revenue because that’s our whole objective.

So like I said, it starts out with knowing who that person is and what you can do to help them convert into a tenant.

And the thing with copywriting is one of the biggest mistakes that I see with websites is they try to sell with data, with facts.

So here they’ll put facts, they’ll put data, or they’ll use hyperbole, you know, we’re the best, we’re the greatest. You know, best, greatest. And really, those don’t work.

They don’t work because everybody says them and because we don’t trust them. What you really need to do is to craft the sales message in a way that will cause the people to want to buy.

And the way that you can really do that, let’s just erase this, is the first thing is you have to know your ideal customer or tenant.

And that’s the first step. You have to know what their emotions are. You have to know what their desires are. You have to know what their fears are and this mixture of emotions they have because to be frank, people don’t rent from you just because they need an RV space.

If that was the only thing they needed, they would just look for the bare bones minimum and they would go shop merely on price. But we know that people don’t do that unless price is their main driver. Instead, what you need to do is sell with emotions.

They did a study where there was this hypothesis that emotions actually cause us problems when we’re making decisions.

So they went and they studied people who had had a certain part of their brain damaged and that part of their brain was in control of emotions.

So they were not able to feel emotions. And what they found was they did not have better decision making ability. They actually could not make decisions which supported the idea that people make decisions emotionally and then they justify them logically.

So once you sell with emotions, you help them justify with facts and logic.
And the fourth thing that needs to be in place for really good copywriting is you need a very strong call to action. And that’s where you’re essentially very confidently telling the person what you want them to do. So for example, if they’re on a page about RV spaces, you might have a button or a link that tells them spaces are extremely limited, click here to make a reservation now. So that’s very strong, it’s a command, it’s confident, and it tells them exactly what to do and exactly what’s going to happen if they do it. So their risk is reduced because they’re not afraid of what’s going to happen when they click that link, they know what’s going to happen.

The other thing that is very smart to do is to have some kind of a follow up mechanism in place, a way to talk to people that are not ready to buy.

And I talk about that in another video that talks about marketing automation.

But the basic principle there is 50% of people are not ready to buy right now, 50% of leads, according to Gleenster, which is a research firm. So that means that 50% of the people that are coming to your website are still in the research phase of making a decision. They’re looking at different parks, they’re looking at different resorts, but they haven’t made up their mind to make a buying decision yet.

And if you have a way to capture their information by offering them something like a report or a video or something about your area that they’re going to be interested in, then you gain a powerful advantage because you have the ability to follow up with them. And if

If you’re using something like marketing automation, you can automatically follow up with them because the system is automated.

So this is kind of a high level overview of how you can sell with words on your website. And I hope at this point that you realize that the words on your site are very important, extremely important.

They can, for example, let me show you why they’re so important. They can dramatically change your financial results from the website. And when you make this realization, when you realize now that your website merely isn’t to just give information, it’s actually to sell, then you start to want to make some demands of it.

You want it to perform.

So let’s say that a hundred people go to your site and you have a one percent conversion rate.

Well that’s going to give you one tenant. But what if we could improve that number?

You know for example let’s say that you have me go in and redo the copywriting, the words on your website and transform them from something that’s maybe not as emotional as it should be and that doesn’t sell as well as it shoul. You have me go in and turn it into words that sell and we increase that number to let’s say 3%. Well what happens now you have three tenants from the same amount of traffic. You get a 300% improvement over what you may have right now.

So that’s why this is so vitally important because your website is essentially a salesperson and that salesperson needs to perform to help you increase your revenue.

In our own park we get about 95% of our tenants from the Internet. They find us on the Internet, they go to our website and as a result of what they see there they end up renting spaces from us.

So I would strongly encourage you to look at your website to see what needs to be changed.

And if your park has 100 or more spaces and you’d like to talk to me about helping you implement these changes, then just click the button below or to the side of this video.