Don’t Redesign Your RV Park Website Until You Watch This

Jason Ayers
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  • Don’t Redesign Your RV Park Website Until You Watch This

Website designers are great at making beautiful websites.  Here's why that can be a big problem:

You're not just creating a website to have a better looking website.  Your website is a tactical tool in your larger strategy.  It needs to position your park, resort or campground in a way that outmaneuvers your competition.

Before we write a single line of code, we create a Strategic Positioning Plan that guides everything we create with your website so you can maximize the rest of your marketing...

With the ultimate goal being to attract and convert as many of the RV owners coming to your area as possible, so you they stay with you instead of your competition.

About the Author Jason Ayers

Jason Ayers grew up in the mobile home, RV park, and apartment business doing everything from maintenance to management.

After successfully using the Internet and online marketing to attract 95% of the tenants for his family's mobile home and RV parks, he began accepting a limited number of clients for RV Park Marketing Experts, where he helps owners fill their vacancies, maximize their revenue, and increase the re-sale value of their properties.

He is also the creator of Mobile Home Park Classroom, an online property management training platform for the MHP and RV park business that makes it easy for an owner to find, hire and train all of their property managers with just an hour or two of the owner's time per manager.

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